Tuesday 16 July 2013

Who am I? - Identity crisis

Every youngsters will go through this thing called - Identity Crisis.

It doesn't only applies for reality, but virtually as well.
I'm at the early stage of blogging life that I have no idea who am I or what type of a blogger I am.

I was asking myself what type of a blogger will I become or should I become?

Before I can start blogging, I must know my Blogger trait.

Over the years of reading blogs, I've identified a few types of bloggers.

1. The Photographer...
I loveeee reading blogs like these :) 
One of my all time favorite Photographer blogger is the father of Kristin & Kayla
I love how he spends so much time with his daughters and make such creative and crazy pictures!
Been faithfully reading his blog since 2009 ! :)

2. The Deep Ones...
These Bloggers are the types of girls and guys that blog about deep quotes about LOVE & LIFE = LOVE LIFE. *when 99% of them are still single... OPS!* 
Not to say I hate reading blogs such as these... But I feel I got enough of these emo posts / quotes from Twitter alone already. Usually blogs like this will lose my interest in the first 10secs of reading the first 2 quotes. But what amazes me when reading blogs like these is that they can come up with new quotes again and again that is on the same subject of Lovveeee. Hehehehehheheh...

3. The FOODIES...
Blogs such as these should be avoided at all times when you're on a DIET or when it's pass midnight :')

It can be a joy or pure torture reading them. Because on one side it gives you information and reviews about restaurants and their food, on the other hand it reminds you that you may never get to eat those delicious / glorious / heavenly food.... because they are expensive :')  

4. The Life Journey...
I love how bloggers blog about their Life Journey and how you can see them grow and mature throught the years of reading their blogs :)
My favorite blog of all time -> Careen Tan
Not saying this just because she is my sister, but honestly I enjoy reading about her life journey :)
I am one of her faithful readers that has been reading her blog since DAY 1 and it's quite amazing how God has used her throughout her life. 

Well, there's actually more types of different bloggers in this world... But I am too lazy to figure them out. #LAZY 

The very main reason why I started this blog is to share my life experience, mainly in my studies :)
While researching about the course I wanted to take, I prayed and hoped for a blog that will share insight of how is it really like to be students of that course and what to expect.
But I have found none :(

So! Instead of complaining, I'm being the change I want to see >:) *hehe... so deep*

''Loading...'' is dedicated to all you lost sheep out there ;)

More posts to come! *I PROMISE* ,